Medical Office at ISS
ISS Medical Office has two staff members. Dr. Sereana Wood is on-campus full-time during term time. Dr. Sereana is a fully qualified doctor and is available for students and staff. Nurse Peggy has many years of experience as a nurse.
Nurse Peggy is the medical person to accompany school camps and trips as well as support in the Medical Office part-time.
Medical Information
Medical Office and Sick Bay are located in the administration building on the first floor. If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child at our school, please feel free to come and speak to the Medical team.
1. Accidents and Emergencies:
Should your child require emergency treatment, every effort will be made to contact you. To assist with this, please keep the nurse informed of any change in your contact details. In the case of a serious emergency, an ambulance will be called and your child will be taken to hospital as per school policy.
2. Medical forms:
When your child starts at ISS, you will be required to complete emergency contact/medical forms. Please return them promptly with all medical information provided. It is of utmost importance that the school is made aware of any condition your child has and any medication they are receiving. This will affect how they are treated in the case of an emergency. There are several forms now available on this page, e.g. Asthma action plan, to download and print that will help ensure that your child is provided the best possible care while at school.
3. Consent for medication administration at school:
Students are not permitted to carry medicine with them under any circumstances. If your child needs medication at school, please hand it to the school nurse where it will be stored safely in the office. The medication needs to be clearly labeled with the students name and date of birth. You will be required to sign a consent form for the medicine OR if prescription medication is required, the form will need to be completed by your GP and your child will be required to come to the nurses office at the appropriate time to take it. For an existing condition such as an inhaler for asthma, insulin for diabetes or an Epi-pen for anaphylaxis you must provide the school nurse with the medicine your child needs whilst at school along with appropriate action plans and medications consent forms. Medicine will not be returned to a student under any circumstances; it must be collected by the parent / guardian.
4. Illness:
To concentrate and function effectively at school, good health is one of the most important aspects. It is therefore important that if your child is unwell, they should rest at home and recuperate fully before returning to school. This is also to reduce cross infection of other students and staff. The school nurse will not hesitate to send a student home if they are unwell or considered to be infectious (Please see our infectious/communicable disease policy.)
5. Immunizations:
Every effort should be made to have your child’s vaccinations up to date prior to them starting at ISS. Students are currently vaccinated by the Fiji Ministry of Health for Measles, Rubella and Tetanus in Reception and Year 5 and Human Papilama Virus (HPV) in Year 7 (girls only).
6. Sun care:
Skin cancer is a serious concern, especially in Fiji where the sun shines almost everyday. Also, heat exhaustion is a potential problem and steps must be taken to prevent it.
It is advised that students wear a hat outside. A cap style or full hat are both available of the Uniform Shop. In some areas of the playground, students must wear a hat to play. We encourage you to apply a factor 30+ sunscreen lotion to your child’s skin before school, especially on P.E. days and for school outings. Older students can carry a tub of sunscreen in their school bags to apply as needed.
Students are encouraged to drink water regularly at school and drinking water is available at numerous points around the school. All school water is filtered. During the warmer months, students are encouraged to remain in shaded areas and not to run around a lot to prevent their bodies from overheating and dehydrating.