International School Suva (ISS) is a private co-educational school providing internationally-recognised, educational programmes for children aged from 3 to 18. The school was established in 1973 by a group of families as an alternate education provider in Suva offering broader-based, internationally-focused education.
ISS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum right through from Early Childhood to the Diploma Programme for graduating Year 12 students. The IB Primary Years Program (IBPYP) forms the framework in Primary school, for children aged from three to eleven. This follows a holistic approach to education, addressing the social, physical, emotional and cultural wellbeing of children in addition to their academic needs.
In Secondary School the curriculum is the IB Middle Years Programme for students aged twelve to sixteen. The MYP aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning.
In their final two years of school, the Australian Capital Territory Certificate is offered, or students can continue with International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). Both are rigorous courses which are based on a combination of the principles of inquiry-based learning, academic rigor and critical thinking. This provides a student with a Year 12 ACT Certificate and ATAR score or an IB Diploma both of which provides entry to universities all over the world.
The school has a common set of expected school wide learning results (ESLRs) to which teaching and learning are aligned. Whether a Primary or Secondary student, the programmes are aimed at engendering a lifelong love of learning and establishing an inquiring and critical thinker who is conscious of global issues and comfortable in a multicultural situation.
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