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International School Suva

World Class Citizens ~ Life Long Learners


Philosophy of Assessment in the High School
Student learning and achievement is an ongoing process. The aim of High School assessment is to use a variety of strategies that allow us to measure progress and celebrate student achievement as well as to help to direct teaching processes. This helps us to maintain academic standards and ensure that teaching and learning is engaging and appropriate.

Assessment for Learning

This is the way that we identify what students know prior to beginning a year level or even a unit of work. Examples of diagnostic tools used in the High School are Progressive Achievement Tests, the International Schools Assessment ACER tests in Years 9 and 10 in particular and for enrolment. We also run diagnostic common mathematics tests at the start of Year 9 and 11 to ensure appropriate setting of classes. Other strategies may be used by a teacher at the start of a particular area of work to assess prior learning.

Students are enrolled into a particular year level by chronological age; however, prior learning experiences and development of skills always differ between students and for this reason whilst diagnostic testing is useful, it is recognized that each child is a unique individual with different needs and therefore may require different support levels for any course or unit of work.

Assessment as Learning

Ongoing assessment is important in any program, and students are informed of key items of assessment in advance.  A variety of strategies are used to look at student work or performances and measure this against set criteria and rubrics. In some cases the rubrics have been developed internally, in others they are based on external requirements and rubrics established in course guides for a particular subject in a particular program.

Assessment of Learning

This is the process of summative assessment and each of the three programs in the High School has specific requirements for assessment, whether they be external examinations with an internal assessment component or internally marked assessment which is then externally moderated. The students’ knowledge and understanding of concepts, application and skills, research/investigation and presentation are assessed. Students are informed in advance of summative assessment and periods when this will occur.


Students receive feedback on tasks completed. Scores for assessment tasks are posted on PowerSchool Grade Book which is accessible by parents. Formal paper copies of reports are prepared at the end of Term1, and Semester 1 and 2.